
Memes are not limited to just images or video. A person can be a meme too. "Me too?" No, I am not talking about you. Don't get your hopes up kiddo. You are too boring. Don't interrupt again or I'll kick your fat arse. Where was I? Goddamnit I forgot what I was saying. "Something about people being memes?" Ah, yes thanks for reminding me.

So the concept of Memes is not limited to just images and video. Sit down kids, it is time for a story.

long time ago there was a young brave adventurer. He was Ser Waterguy XII of House Aquarius. One night The Lord came onto him with a vision. A holy quest for only the most zealous of knights, he was to find the lost water bottle of Saint Maria the Moist. But no holy quest is without some self sacrifice. Lord Waterguy would have to be without communication for a whole fortnight.

efore his departure he tasked the subjects of his hold with keeping records of things that would happen while he was away.

o what happened next... Wait a second. Who is putting these stupid letters at the start of each paragraph? Can you stop that? It is getting distracting.


Stop that now. Or bad stuff will happen!

StOp ThAt NoW!

One moment Kids, I have to resolve something. I'll be right back.

The beginning

I am done with making this any more elaborate than needed. So u/waterguy12 is a reddit user who asked back in august that he would be far away from internet for a few weeks. He asked people to tag is name in the comments of any good meme post on r/me_irl. So that post got a lot of attention and during the following weeks people would tag his name in the comments of every post. People even created bots to automatically tag him.

Becoming a meme

He became a true meme, and as happens to memes, variations were created in the likes of u/Fireguy12. The mortal enemy of u/Waterguy12. It sparked a true war between the elements and it took over the subreddit.

When u/waterguy12 came back he was blown away with the fact that he had over 90 000 messages in his inbox of people mentioning him. He had also accumulated an incredible amount of reddit gold. He created an alternate account to be able to reddit in peace.